What to do when the hair is electrified. 3 proven ways

In winter, women's hair begins to magnet, this is due to wearing hats, drying with a hairdryer and heating turned on. As a result, the hairstyle becomes on end and nothing can be done in this situation.
What to do to solve the problem.
To take care of another.
In winter, the hair is more exposed to negative factors, so you need to change the care product. It is necessary to use the necessary means. If you have previously used products for oily hair type, you need to change them to the opposite means, and on the contrary, moisten the dry type. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but the hair becomes greasy due to the fact that they are very dry, and the skin begins to give out a large amount of fat. Also, for dry hair, you can use hair oil, which will nourish the hair. The head should not be washed every day, but every other day and rinsed with cool water. You can also purchase a special antistatic agent for hair, which is sold as a spray or oil for winter care. Also on sale you can find antistatic shampoos that will remove discharges.
Replace the hat and scarf.
If the headdress is made of unnatural fabrics, the hair will constantly rise and crack. Synthetic fabrics are most susceptible to magnetization, so natural hats made of wool and cotton will be needed, hair will be less magnetic in them.
Change the comb.
The best comb is considered to be a comb with natural bristles made of wood. There are also special combs that are made of antistatic material with a special coating.
Change the towel.
Since wetted hair is very fragile, they do not need to be rubbed when wiping, you need to gently press to absorb water.
To avoid excessive rubbing, you can use a jersey T-shirt, since the towel becomes stiff after frequent washing.
Change the hair dryer.
If there are big problems with hair magnetization, it is better not to use hair heaters. You can buy a special ionization hair dryer that will keep your hair hydrated, but such a device is not cheap, so not everyone can afford it. It is best to humidify the air in the room. This will help to remove static charges.
What can be done right away. The easiest way to eliminate the charge is considered to be wetting the hair, you need to wet your hands and run them through the hair. Potenziellen neuen Spielern werden Boni angeboten. Auf diese Weise sollen neue Kunden gewonnen werden, die hoffentlich zu Stamm oder Dauerspielern werden, die dem Casino so lange Einnahmen bescheren, wie die Spieler die Online Spiele nutzen. https://www.swisscasino24.com/ Das Angebot an Online Casinos ist sehr groß, daher kann ein guter Willkommensbonus ein Casino von den anderen abheben. Allerdings müssen Sie sich über die Bedingungen der einzelnen Angebote genau informieren.
